Monday, December 23, 2019

Fate and Free Will in William Shakespeares Macbeth Essays

Fate and Free Will in William Shakespeares Macbeth In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, there is a question as to whether or not Macbeth is driven by fate or free will. The three weird sisters approach Macbeth with prophecies that will all come true in the end. It would appear that Macbeth is just following destiny at first. However, Macbeth always had a choice throughout the play to choose his own fate. Macbeth journeyed to his murderous doom through his own free choice. In Act I, the three witches visit Macbeth and Banquo on the heath. The witches make three predictions; Macbeth will be the Thane of Cawdor, he will be King, and Banquo’s sons will be king but not Banquo. Even though the witches did make these prophecies, Macbeth’s fate was†¦show more content†¦At this point in the novel Macbeth is using the witches as a guideline to his life. The apparition that he cannot be harmed by anyone born of woman creates a false sense of security within himself. Even at this point, Macbeth still has a choice of whether or not to believe the witches. The weird sisters have not put any spell on him; they have just filled his greedy mind with a sense of security and power for kingship. From the beginning, Macbeth chose to follow the witches instead of letting things just naturally occur. Banquo serves to show how the predictions were not just destiny and did not control his life. Even when he sees that many are becoming true, he states, may they (witches) not be my oracles(Act III, sc.i, 9). He is stating that he will just let events occur and not try to fulfill the prophecies. Macbeth also had this same choice. If he had taken the same approach as Banquo, a claim could be made that it was destiny that Macbeth would murder Duncan. However, Macbeth lived on account of the prophecies, not the reverse. Macbeth’s downward spiral of events was created through his own free will. The witches did foretell his future but they never directly controlled his actions. The sisters did not cast a spell to make Macbeth go crazy. He was engulfed in his lust for power and his battle with his conscience. This led to his insomniaShow MoreRelatedMacbeth Themes899 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"What are the major themes in Macbeth† By Connor Maguire William Shakespeare’s Macbeth a play complete with many themes and viewpoints. The themes are exhibited by the main characters of the play, notably antagonist Macbeth. Themes seen in the play include ambition, where is is portrayed as both dangerous and unnatural. However, it does exist in both good and evil forms in the play. Another theme seen is whether Macbeths actions in the play are a result of fate, or free will. Although outside sourcesRead MoreEssay on Macbeth vs. Satan695 Words   |  3 PagesMacbeth vs. Satan How can two authors write stories almost half a century apart where the characters have comparable qualities? 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Week discussion questions Free Essays

Personally when I complete tasks on my lists I feel a sense of accomplishment and have more desire to tackle some of the harder tasks on y list. I will begin to implement this time management skill with this class, and carry it over to block 2 through Gateway Community College. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Week discussion questions or any similar topic only for you Order Now Plan a schedule that has important work, fun activities, and rest. I get so busy with what I think needs to be done that I forget to include fun things In my schedule. Having fun and enjoying my time is something that is very important because It helps decrease stress. Because I have a four year old who feeds off of my emotions It Is vital that I don’t show my stress and that I enjoy my time with him rather than worrying about what tasks are not getting done. 3. Create a designated study time, and stick to It. I plan to implement an hour of study time each morning and actually hold to It. Every semester I tell myself I will study more but I never seem to find the time to and I find myself scrambling at the last minute to cram for the upcoming exam. If I set aside time and It Is a part of my dally routine I can avoid all insights the day before the exam and feel better prepared for whatever It Is I will be doing that day In school. What resources might you have available to use for professional and personal development? I have my education to use for professional and personal development. In school I am learning more than Just the science and theory behind nursing. I am learning how to analyze my thinking and the thinking of others, how to make and achieve goals, critical thinking skills that can be used both at work and at home, and how to manage my time wisely. With the program I am In through Gateway Community College and The university of Phoenix I am able to network with other nursing professionals and build relationships that I can use as references later or as guidance on what field and where I should be looking for a Job. I have support from family, friends, and lacerates available to lad In my development. They are there to encourage me to keep going when I feel Like Glenn up, and to help me emotionally get through this rigorous program. By pointlessness done that I forget to include fun things in my schedule. Having fun and enjoying my time is something that is very important because it helps decrease stress. Because I have a four year old who feeds off of my emotions it is vital that I don’t show my not getting done. 3. Create a designated study time, and stick to it. I plan to implement an hour of study time each morning and actually hold to it. Every time and it is a part of my daily routine I can avoid all insights the day before the exam and feel better prepared for whatever it is I will be doing that day in school. My time wisely. With the program I am in through Gateway Community College and The University of Phoenix I am able to network with other nursing professionals and build relationships that I can use as references later or as guidance on what field and classmates available to aid in my development. They are there to encourage me to keep going when I feel like giving up, and to help me emotionally get through this How to cite Week discussion questions, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Financial Statements of A2 Milk Company-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Analyze the financial statements of A2 Milk company for the year 2017. Answer: Background of A2 Milk Company This company was known previously known as A2 corporation. A2 Milk Company is engaged in the production of milk and milk related products. A2 milk Company also makes milk products which are related to infant formula. The company was founded by Dr Corran McLachlan and it was founded in 2000 in New Zealand. Dr Corran McLachlan was engaged in the research of health effects of Milk Protein of A1 Beta-casein. The company carried out genetic test to identify which cows which can produce milk with A1 protein. The company started its operations on farm breeding programs in order to breed cows which can produce A2 milk. The company has its headquarter in Sydney, Australia and the total revenue of the company as per 2016 figures is $ 337.3 million (The a2 Milk Company", 2018). The core activities of A2 Milk Company consist producing A2 Milk, other related dairy products and infant formula. Ownership Governance Structure of the a2 Milk Company Substantial Shareholders of A2 Milk Company The main shareholders of the company who have a majority shareholding in the total shares of the A2 Milk Company which is greater than 5% are USB Group AG and its related parties which has a shareholding of 8.10%. The other shareholders which have a shareholding of more than 5% are challenger Limited, Colonial First State Asset Management (Australia) Limited, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Greencap Capital Pvt Limited, Harbour Asset Management Limited. There are no shareholders who holds more than 20% shares in the company. USB Group AB is not in any way related to the A2 Milk Company and thus it is not a family company. Major roles involved in Corporate Governance The corporate governance of the company lies with the board of directors and CEO of the company (Ahmed Henry, 2012). David Hearn is the Chairman and Executive Director of the company and he is responsible for the corporate governance policy of the company along with the board of directors of the company. The board of director of the company includes Julia Hoare, Peter Hinton, Warwick Every-Burns and Jesse Wu. The CEO and the Managing Director of the Company is Geoffrey Babidage. There are no such shareholders which have a shareholding of more than 20% as per the shareholders Information of the company. The shareholders which hold more than 5% of the total shareholding of the company are not in any way related to the company and therefore does not have any role in the corporate governance of the company. Key Ratios of the Company Trend Particulars` 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 Net Profit/(Loss) after Tax (NPAT) A 10000 -2091000 30436000 90646000 -100.0% 20910.0% -304360.0% -906460.0% Total Assets (TA) B 76643000 88867000 210152000 343930000 100.0% 115.9% 274.2% 448.7% Ordinary Equity (OE) C 58644000 58629000 133078000 241482000 100.0% 100.0% 226.9% 411.8% Total Liabilities D 17999000 30238000 77074000 102448000 0.0% 100.0% 254.9% 338.8% Return on Assets (ROA) E= A/B 0.01% -2.35% 14.48% 26.36% -100.0% 18033.75% -111000.91% -201999.87% Return on Equity (ROE) F=A/C 0.02% -3.57% 22.87% 37.54% -100.0% 20915.35% -134123.51% -220134.17% Debt Ratio G=D/B 0.235 0.340 0.367 0.298 100.0% 144.89% 156.17% 126.84% The above table depicts the ratios such as Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE) and Debt Ratio (Heikal, Khaddafi Ummah, 2014). As per the above chart the total asset (TA) and Ordinary Equity (OE) figures as shown in the table are increasing. Such changes in total assets and ordinary equity affects the return on total assets and return on total equity (Fan, Titman Twite, 2012). As the total assets of the company increases the net revenue of the company will also be high and such will be also be reflected in the Return on Assets (ROA) of the company. Moreover, as the assets increases there would be a reduction in the debt ratio of the company which will in turn increase the Return on equity (ROE) of the company. As per the table given the increase in the ROE is much more as compared to the increase in the return to assets of the company. This may be due to the fact that A2 Milk Company is utilizing more equity capital in the capital structure of the company (Baos-Caballero, Garca-Teruel Martnez-Solano, 2014). As per 2017 financial reports the companys balance sheet shows no debt capital or long term borrowings in the non-current liability section. Graphical Presentation of Stock Prices Figure1: (Graph showing Stock price Movement) Source: (Created by the Author) As per the above represented chart, the stock prices of the company has fluctuated a bit and it has even gone down below the all ordinary index (Handley, 2012). The stock prices of A2 Milk Company has increased and the stock line is above the all ordinary index line from 1/11/16 as shown in the graph above till it declines below the all ordinary index line in 1/9/17 as shown in the graph. It can be said that the stocks are less volatile as there have been case where there is sharp increase and decrease in the stock prices of the company. Factors which influences the Share Prices The major factor which affect the stock prices of the company is that the company has a lot of competitors in the market which results in intense competition. The competition among rivals segments the market and its consumers and have an overall impact in the stock prices of the company. Moreover due the company focuses on milk products which are free from A1 Beta-Casein proteins, the company has differentiated product from normal milk which are produced by the competitors. This does affect the creditability of the company and its products which affect the stock prices of the company. Computation of Required Rate of Return The beta of A2 Milk Company as per analysis of the stock prices and stock market information is 0.97. The computation of the required rate of return is given below: Particulars Amount Beta of the company A 0.97 Risk Free Rate B 4% Market Risk Premium C 6% Required Rate of Return D=B+[AxC] 9.82% The rate of return of the company is 9.82 as shown in the chart above considering the beta and risk-free rate of return and market premium (Arrow Kruz, 2013). The investors should invest in the company as the rate of return is high. Computation of Weighted Average Cost of Capital Particulars Amount Weightage Cost Return Rate Tax Rate WACC Total Long Term Debt 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 30.00% 0.00% Total Equity 241482000 100.00% 9.82% 9.82% TOTAL 241482000 100% 9.82% As per the above table it is evident that the company does not have any debt capital or long term borrowings as per the financial statement of A2 Milk Company for 2017. Therefore the company uses only equity capital in its capital structure. The higher is the weighted average cost of capital the more risks the company faces. In this case the cost of equity is the weighted average cost of capital for the company (Barberis et al., 2015). The company can add debt capital to the capital structure mix to gain benefits of leverages. Debt Ratio and Capital Gearing Ratio of the Company The debt ratio of the company shows the relation between the total liabilities to the total assets of the company. The debt ratio of the company has reduced from the previous years trend. The companys debt ratio was 0.367 in 2016 and it reduced to 0.298 in 2017. The company does not have any debt capital as per the financial statement of 2017 and the capital structure of the company only consist of equity share capital. The company thus seems to be avoiding the use of debt capital of the company (Hou, Van Dijk Zhang, 2012). As per the financial statements of the company, the management of the company intends to make a buyback of its shares in the next 12 months period which will be up to $ 40 million. Dividend Policy The company has not announced any dividends for the year, however the company plans to announce special dividends due the buyback plans which the company intends to follow (Travlos, Trigeorgis Vafeas, 2015). The dividend of the company is on the basis of the profits which the company earns during the year. The company has a basic Earnings per Share of 12.66 cent per share. Letter of Recommendation Dear client, Perth Australia Respected Sir, I would like to advise you to invest in A2 Milk Company as the performance of the company has been outstanding in the past few years. The company has achieved tremendous growth in the Australian market with its infant formula. Moreover. the rate of return which the company is offering is around 9.82% which is a decent rate of return as per the market. The significant ratios such as return on assets and return on equity is on an increasing trend which is favorable for investment. The company has also been earning good rate of net profit over the past two years. In addition to this the company has potential for further development. I hope this letter of recommendation will help you to take necessary investment decisions in this regard. Thanking you Client Investment Company References Ahmed, K., Henry, D. (2012). Accounting conservatism and voluntary corporate governance mechanisms by Australian firms.Accounting Finance,52(3), 631-662. Arrow, K. J., Kruz, M. (2013).Public investment, the rate of return, and optimal fiscal policy(Vol. 1). Routledge. Baos-Caballero, S., Garca-Teruel, P. J., Martnez-Solano, P. (2014). Working capital management, corporate performance, and financial constraints.Journal of Business Research,67(3), 332-338. Barberis, N., Greenwood, R., Jin, L., Shleifer, A. (2015). X-CAPM: An extrapolative capital asset pricing model.Journal of financial economics,115(1), 1-24. Fan, J. P., Titman, S., Twite, G. (2012). An international comparison of capital structure and debt maturity choices.Journal of Financial and quantitative Analysis,47(1), 23-56. Handley, J. C. (2012). An estimate of the historical equity risk premium for the period 1883 to 2011.Report prepared for the Australian Energy Regulator. Heikal, M., Khaddafi, M., Ummah, A. (2014). Influence analysis of return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), net profit margin (NPM), debt to equity ratio (DER), and current ratio (CR), against corporate profit growth in automotive in Indonesia Stock Exchange.International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences,4(12), 101. Hou, K., Van Dijk, M. A., Zhang, Y. (2012). The implied cost of capital: A new approach.Journal of Accounting and Economics,53(3), 504-526. Travlos, N. G., Trigeorgis, L., Vafeas, N. (2015). Shareholder wealth effects of dividend policy changes in an emerging stock market: The case of Cyprus. The a2 Milk Company. (2018).The a2 Milk Company. Retrieved 15 February 2018, from