Friday, May 8, 2020

Criminal Law Vs. Private Law - 905 Words

Criminal Law vs. Private Law The Rule of Law, as expressed through Canadian criminal law is important as our laws embody the basic moral values of society. The primary aims of criminal law are to protect the public and preserve peace (Barnhorst Barnhorst, 2013). Law also imposes limits on our actions and guides our choices in conduct. The conditions of the Rule of Law ensure that no individual, government or parliament is treated as above the law, and that everyone must obey the law or they must suffer the consequences. The primary reason that criminal law is necessary, rather than governing individual behaviour through private law, is because committing a criminal offence is seen as committing a crime against society as a whole rather than an individual. The protection and punishment of the offender should be proportionate to the offence committed and all Canadian courts should attempt to administer punishment to offenders using a Canada wide set of laws which are based on similar cases that occurred in the pa st, rather than private laws in order to avoid bias in different jurisdictions and areas of Canada. â€Å"Citizens of countries that do not adhere to recognize the rule of law are often unable to stand up against the government or other powerful interests without fear or attack and there are often reports of human rights violations† (The Law Society of British Columbia, 2013). A country that is not governed by the rule of law would result in laws and court proceedingsShow MoreRelatedPublic Law And Private Law1555 Words   |  7 Pagesdefinition of a law is â€Å"the whole system or set of rules made by the government of a town, state, country, etc.† In Canada, the law applies to everyone, including the government, police and anyone in a position of authority. Over the course of the unit, we have learned about many different topics in relation to Canadian Law; the 5 main topics I chose to represent in this collage are Public vs. Private Law, The Historical Sources of L aw, the ‘Triangle’, Rules vs. Laws, and Jurisdiction. Canadian Law can beRead MoreLaw As An Academic Discipline And Its Different Branches1367 Words   |  6 Pages1. Explain law as an academic discipline and its different branches Through state-sanctioned mechanisms and institutions, a system of rules and regulations are created, interpreted, and enforced. 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